is a command-line converter for various 3D and 2D model formats supported by Castle Game Engine.
As input, supports all 3D and 2D model formats supported by Castle Game Engine: glTF, X3D, VRML, IFC, Spine JSON, sprite sheets (in Castle Game Engine, Cocos2D and Starling XML formats), MD3, Wavefront OBJ, 3DS, STL, Collada, and more.
As output, we support X3D, IFC and STL. You can convert any input to these formats.
We plan to add soon glTF output (from any input).
We can also validate the input model, without doing any conversion.
Additionally, features available only for specific combinations of input and output formats:
You can convert between X3D classic and X3D XML encodings (in both directions).
You can convert (upgrade) from VRML 2.0 to X3D.
We can output VRML (1.0 or 2.0), which is an older version of X3D. But this is only possible if your input is also already the same VRML version (1.0 or 2.0). So this is only useful for validation / pretty-printing of the VRML content.